



Phantom Productions, Inc. trademarked logo

Reel2ReelTexas Analog Reel To Reel Tape Recorder OnLine Museum

Phantom Productions, Inc. • "creative entertainment and production since 1964"

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This page reflects some of the equipment that brought the media along.  From Edison's cylinders in audio and the early Kodak Brownie camera, wonderful pices of equipment brought folks forward to today's technology.  We've collected a few of those pieces that represent these evolutionary endeavors.  Some of the items are no longer in the collection.

  picture of Edison cylinder player and recorder

1904 Edison Cylinder Player and cylinder recorder

picture of Canon movie camera   picture of Kodak Brownie and Panasonic AG-1830

Early 8mm and Super 8mm film cameras

   picture of Sony's Betamovie

Sony Betamovie camcorder

picture of Betamax Edit recorder   picture of old movie equipment

Sony Betamovie Master recoder • B&W Panasonic video recorder


picture of Pasasonic B&W video camera  picture of Bell & Howell projector  picture of Sony 8 Track

B&W video camera • Super 8 mm video projector • 8 track recorder and player

picture of teac 144 and Panasonic 3/4  picture of Pentron wire and record recorder

3/4" Panasonic wit Teac 144 Portastudio on top • Astrosonic radio, phono and wore recorders

picture of Wilcox Gay tape recorder and phonograph

Wilcox Gay tape recorder and phonograph

picture of Miles Reproducer  picture of Presto Record cutter  picture of Roberts 1000 audio and video recorder

Miles Cellotape Reproducer • Presto "J" record cutter • Roberts 1000 1/4 " audeo and B&W video recorder ('69 ad)

Teac TCA-43

Teac TCA-43 was early Simul-Sync

picture of Roberts 333X

Roberts 333X tape, cassette & 8-track •  Movie of Roberts 333X working  - RealPlayer

picture of Fostex R8

Fostex R8 - 8 tracks on 1/4" tape

picture of Phantom Productions' logo and services

  "Phantom Productions" is the registered trademark of Phantom Productions, Inc.Copyright 2008

All pictures and content on this web site are the property of Theophilus/Reel2ReelTexas

  • Services

    We invite you to visit the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording