




Phantom Productions, Inc. trademarked logo

Reel2ReelTexas Analog Reel To Reel Tape Recorder OnLine Museum

Phantom Productions, Inc. • "creative entertainment and production since 1964"

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Roberts 1000

"In March 1969 The first quarter-inch format video tape recorder is unveiled in stores. The unit will be aimed at the home buyer and will sell for $1,100. With camera and monitor - $1,675. The machine, a Roberts model 1000, can also be used as a 4-track audio recorder. With the unit, you can record TV shows or record live events in the home."

picture of Roberts 1000 reel to reel with black and white video capability picture of the Roberts 1000 audio and black and white video recorder combination  picture of the Roberts 1000 audio and black and white video recorder combination 

This is the incredible 4 track reversing audio recorder with a built-in black and white video recorder. Jerry Lewis pictured with Roberts 1000. '69 ad

Roberts 1000 B&W video reel to reel stereo tape recorder ad in Reel2ReelTexas.com's vintage recording collection  Used


Rheem Roberts 1000 - 4 track audio with built in black and white video recorder

The summary above is from Ron Newdoll's catalog at Accurate Sound Company in the early '70s. Ron owned Accurate Sound Studios in San Angelo, Texas and was the studio used by Alpine's rock band the "Believers" in 1965. The studio had a professional echo chamber built into the basement. Ron moved his business near Ampex and began refurbishing Ampex equipment for the professional audio market. You can see more about Ron at Accurate Sound Company. Here's a couple of other interesting links that talk about recording at the studio.

SNAKE Still Rockin After All These Years




"Phantom Productions" is the registered trademark of Phantom Productions, Inc. Copyright 2012

All pictures and content on this web site are the property of Theophilus/Reel2ReelTexas

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    Phantom Productions, Inc. trademarked logo

    Reel2ReelTexas Analog Reel To Reel Tape Recorder OnLine Museum

    Phantom Productions, Inc. • "creative entertainment and production since 1964"

    Unfortunately the DVD set is no longer available • Click Here for more info

    check out our FOR SALE page   Share


    Phantom Productions' Reel2ReelTexas.com logo



    oglesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> We invite you to visit the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording