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    Reel2ReelTexas Analog Reel To Reel Tape Recorder OnLine Museum

    Phantom Productions, Inc. • "creative entertainment and production since 1964"

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    Diamond Disc was a very notable advance in record technology at the time for several reasons that included: stylus movement was vertical (up/down) instead of horizontal, which enabled longer playing time on the disc (1.5 to 2 times) as compared to competitors' discs; diamond stylus lasted longer; shank design enabled higher fidelity and louder playback; records were 1/4 inch thick and were highly resistant to warpage and heat damage as compared to competitive discs. The most popular Diamond Disc phohograph player was the Edison C-150 which was manufactured 1916-1919 (I used to own a rare Oak cabinet C-150 made in 1917).

    Stephen W9SK

    We invite you to visit the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording